Roofing FAQ: What is the Best Type of Roofing for Maryland Homes?
Is it time to replace your roof? And if so, how do you determine which is the best type of roofing for Maryland homes? It is true that replacing your roof is a big home improvement project, but it is...
View ArticleSiding FAQ: What Are the Benefits of Fiber Cement Siding?
When you think about the benefits of siding, you probably think of how siding helps maintain your home’s curb appeal. While this is definitely true, the main purpose of siding goes far beyond...
View ArticleReplacement Window FAQ: How to Prevent Condensation on Windows
Window condensation is one of those pesky problems we have all experienced in our homes. Condensation is completely normal and occurs when warm, moist air meets surfaces that are cooler than its dew...
View ArticleInsulation FAQ: What is Foam Insulation?
One of the most commonly asked questions we get is: what is foam insulation? There are many different types of insulation, and while foam might still be a relatively new method of insulating your home,...
View ArticleSiding FAQ: What Are the Benefits of Brick Siding?
When building a house, siding is one of the most important considerations. Not only is it one of the first lines of defense against the outside elements, but it is also a major design and style feature...
View ArticleRoofing FAQ: Why Do Shingle Prices for Roofing Fluctuate?
If you are replacing or repairing your roof, you may have noticed the prices of shingles can greatly fluctuate. Prices rise and fall all the time, but why do shingle prices for roofing fluctuate in...
View Article8 Scary Halloween Decorations for Your Windows & Doors
If Halloween has sprung up on you like a spooky monster and you are yet to get your window and door decorations in check, do not worry – we have you covered. At Windows on Washington, we of course love...
View ArticleReplacement Window FAQ: Should I Replace or Repair a Broken Seal?
If your window has a broken seal, it can be tempting to put a quick band-aid fix over it rather than going through the process of replacing your window. It is human nature to want to take the fastest,...
View ArticleInsulation FAQ: What is Blanket Insulation
Insulation is a vital component of an energy-efficient home, and there is a wide range of insulation methods. With so many types of insulation available, it can certainly be overwhelming trying to find...
View ArticleDo You Have Algae On Your Roof in Virginia or Maryland?
Algae on your roof may not seem like a big deal, but it can actually lead to major issues if left untreated. Not only can it make your roof look dirty and just plain unattractive, but it can also cause...
View ArticleBlack Windows The New Design Trend in Virginia
If you're considering upgrading your windows in 2023, you probably already know that there are a lot of decisions to make. And, if you like to keep up with the #homeinspo and all things home trends,...
View ArticleWhat is Window Condensation & How Can You Avoid It?
Do you ever find yourself wiping away droplets of water from your windows, especially during the cooler months? Wondering why it’s happening and how to avoid it? You're not alone! Many homeowners in...
View ArticleIn-Home Vs Virtual Project Consultations: The Pros & Cons
Are you wondering whether to schedule an in-home or virtual consultation for your next home improvement project? Virtual consultations have risen in popularity since the start of the Covid pandemic,...
View ArticleShould I Paint My Brick Home? The Pros & Cons of Painting Brick
If you're considering giving your brick home a fresh new look, you may be wondering if painting it is the right choice. While it's true that painting brick can give your home a completely new...
View ArticleWhy is My Siding Wavy and Uneven? (How to Fix it & Avoid it)
If you've ever walked by your house and noticed that your siding is not lying flat, or has a wavy appearance, you may wonder what's going on. Wavy and uneven siding isn’t uncommon, but it’s definitely...
View ArticleHave a Pest Problem? Your Air Sealing Might Be Failing
If you're dealing with a pesky pest problem in your home in Maryland or Virginia, you're not alone. Many homeowners have faced the frustration of finding pests like earwigs, bees, wasps, mosquitoes,...
View ArticleWhen is the Best Time to Replace Your Roof Deck in Virginia?
If you've come across the article, you're probably wondering when the best time is to replace your roof deck when you live in Virginia. It’s actually a question I get asked a lot, and the answer is not...
View ArticleAluminum Vs Vinyl Siding: Which is Best for Homes in Virginia?
If you're in the market for new siding for your Virginia home, you might be wondering which material to choose: aluminum or vinyl. While both options have their pros and cons, ultimately the choice...
View ArticleWhat is Air Sealing? Do You Need It?
We all want a more energy-efficient and comfortable home, right? We spend a lot of time in our homes, so making sure they’re in tip-top shape is a pretty big priority. One of the best ways to boost the...
View ArticleAre Insulation Boards Better Than Rolls for Homes in Maryland?
As a homeowner in Maryland, you know just how important it is to keep your home well-insulated. It can help keep your home cool during hot summers and warm during cold winters, while also saving you...
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